The Little Moster Within
This blog is created to give my eating disorder a voice. Everything he tells me is a complete lie so what's on here doesn't reflect *me* at all. He hates everyone equally so if you're offended by any of it don't complain to me. I used to try and shut him up but the the more I stifle him the stronger he gets, when he does finally quit, he just hangs out in the back of my mind and does push-ups waiting for me to slip. I think it's important to let him speak, so if you would, just hear him out..
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Food plan for Saturday
(8:00) Breakfast: Granola bar, peanut butter, banana, egg, milk 1s 1f 1fr 1p 1d
(11:00) Snack: Pomegranite, yogurt 1fr 1d
(2:00)Lunch: Lasagna 1s 1f 1p 1d 1v
(5:00) Dinner/snack
1s 1f 1p 1v 1fr
(8:00) Dinner/snack
Counting my chickens before they hatch
Because I have nothing else better to do at 3am:
If I work 40 hours a week at $8.75 an hour I will make $350.00 a week.
After taxes I will be left with $290.00
After tithe I will be left with $255.00
After saving I will left with $200.00 spending money per week.
That's $800.00 a month...niiice!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Food plan
Haven't been journaling or staying sober the past few days because of the storm and work. I'm going to make a meal plan for tomorrow so I can try again tomorrow. I will get paid on Friday and buy myself fruit, veggies, yogurt, and cheese sticks..I think..maybe I'll just ask my step mom.. I don't want to ask her for anything >:P
Brakfast: english muffin, peanut butter, egg, milk 1S 1F 1P 1D
Lunch: sandwhich, 1S 1F 1P 1V
Snack: fruit juice, 1Fr
Dinner 1S 1P 1F 1V
Shit! Still not enough! eff my life, eff ED and eff the effing storm throwing my whole effing life off.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
New commitment
I'm ready now to accept my Day 1. Because in reality every day is Day 1 because this is an ODAT program. Yesterday was Day 1 today will be Day 1 and hopefully I will have many Day 1's after that. But right now I don't need to worry about that. My will? Forget it. I'm fully trusting my sponsor, my program, and my God. I may not always understand them or agree with them but obviously my way doesn't work and I'm ready now to try something else. Something else that has worked for soo many other people. Surrender. Sobriety means nothing without surrender. This is my new Surrender plan.
3 starches
3 protens
3 dairy
3 fats
5 fruits and veggies
3 meetings a week
5 minutes of quiet time
15 minutes journaling
No purging
No cutting
No more then 45 minutes of exercise 4x a week
Surrender to this plan every day and I will be well on my way to a happy, joyous and free life. I'm ready now. Here I am God. Do your will with me. I'm getting out of the way and I'm ready for you to do the work, I'm ready for the change.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Just kidding.
Who am I fooling? I can't stay away from program if I tried. I couldn't stay isolated for more then a few hours. Thank you for forgiving me and taking me back and giving me another chance. I am determined to eat all my food today and make today a good Day 1 even though secretly I am still counting October 10th as my Day 1...