Friday, July 8, 2011

Going Crazy Crunching Numbers

Welcome to the logical/mathematical part of my brain, I don't use it very often but I think because I had to do some practice exercises for Math yesterday - adding and multiplying big numbers, it sorta activated the part of my brain that loves numbers..I hate math but part of my brain LOVES numbers, go figure..

I'm trying to decide how much weight I really need to lose. So I looked up some stuff about body fat and this is what I found:

Right now I weigh 148 pounds. I am 26% body fat, which leaves me with 109 pounds of lean body mass. My ideal body fat percentage is 21% so I need to figure out what weight is equal to 109 pounds of body plus 21% fat.

X - .21X = 109lbs

X(ideal weight) = 138 (and to that I say WOW because I wanted to be like 120/130)

Sooo, that being said, I need to lose about 10-12 pounds. I think a healthy rate is 2 pounds a week for 6 weeks. To do so I need to eat 1362 calories a day and eat back my exercise calories. [already calculated how many calories I burn in a day, subtracted 1000 (3500 per pound/7days a week=500/day x 2)]

Lost yet? Good! Now you know the insanity that goes through my head!

So here are my food options:

Veggies: Any and all varies and quantities (except corn which is not a veggie it is an imposter!! I dont know why God made it and I am so sorry for the cows and chickens who were created to eat grass and bugs and are forced to eat that poison =( ) and yess tomatoes and carrots are fine even though they are somewhat high in sugar they are not as bad as corn as they provide other healthy stuff my body needs.

Fruits: Any and all varieties but limited quantities

Dairy: Milk or yogurt one or less times a day (no cheese, working on cutting dairy all together but I can't let go of milk or yogurt yet)

Meats: Any white meat inc. Nuts/seeds, eggs, fish and tofu and other substitutes, limited red meat

Fat: Non-hydrogenated, saturated, or trans fat, so basically avocado, olives, plant oils..

Grains: Preferably whole grains, 3 servings a day (no more then 1 serving of white flour/rice)

Sources Cited:
Activity Calculator
Body Fat Calculator
Zone Diet

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