Sunday, July 10, 2011

Inside my head during a binge

<p>Had a pretty good day yesterday until around 8 when a special friend turned around and exploded on me out of nowhere. I started wasn't like <i>"she made me upset so I'm going to eat" </i>it was more like </p>
<p><i>"oh French toast..yumm mmm yeah I'm so glad I'm eating this so sweet and delicious..what else is in the fridge mmm cheese I can't eat cheese but I can't eat white bread either so I might as well. Mmm gigantic corn muffin I already had 1/2 earlier..I know the whole thing is 520 calories altogether and ugh its corn. They feed that to the cows and chickens to fattening them up. Oh well guess I'll just do it now I already broke 2 rules might as well end with a bang."</i> </p>
<p>All while making a program call..I don't think I was listening..</p>
<p>Actually it started with a bowl of cherrios but if I would have just stopped then I would have been fine because I didn't have breakfast so it was ok. I don't know what stopped me but I  got on an EDA meeting and got to bed at around 1am</p>

<p>This morning I was graciously awoken by my dearest grandmother making hot chocolate she woke up my poor sister too but of course she was all over that hot chocolate. I was so pissed because I know that at 5:30am I'm between sleep cycles and I won't go back to sleep. I put on Pandora on my Celtic Woman station but obvs I'm still awake. Err what a lovely start to a wonderful day</p>

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